Cycling is a low impact aerobics exercise that is often recommended by physicians and personal trainers. Competitive athletes, runners, body builders and swimmers all benefit from the cross-training opportunities afforded by cycling.
Get started with cycling by choosing cycling supplies through Pro Therapy Supplies. We offer recumbent bikes of varying shapes and sizes. Your choice depends entirely on the amount of exercise you want and the amount of space you have. For a full body workout, a machine with upper and lower body pedals is your best choice. Do you have little space but still want the calories burn afforded by biking? Try portable pedals, which can be used near any seated surface.
Cycling is a wonderful exercise on its own. Avid cyclists know that there are special needs for biking that don't exist with other sports. A gyro grip strength maximizer helps you to hold more tightly to the handlebars, a necessity if you are a racer or enjoy mountain biking. Bikers must also stay regularly hydrated. We offer water filters that fit directly on water bottles, allowing you to have refreshing clean water whether you are on the road or taking a break.